Register for Spring 2025 Homeschool Art Classes

Register for upcoming eight-week sessions for Spring of 2025

*Payment options are available at the bottom of the form.

Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2

Parent/Guardian 3

***Art, Photo, Web and Video Release Permission***


Students that will be attending the Inner-City Neighborhood Art House are:

Student 1

(Example: Daily Medications, etc.)

Student 2

(Example: Daily Medications, etc.)

Student 3

Student 4

(Example: Daily Medications, etc.)
(Example: Daily Medications, etc.)



I, the parent/legal guardian of my child (also known as registrant/s), a minor, agree to my child’s participation in the Inner-City Neighborhood Art House. It is understood that participation in such activities has an inherent risk of injury to the registrant. I, for myself, family members and the registrant, release and hold harmless the Neighborhood Art House, its employees and volunteers from any and all liability for injury to the registrant arising from participation in the Neighborhood

I give my full consent to the Inner-City Neighborhood Art House and any medical professionals to administer whatever emergency medical treatment is deemed necessary for the registrant/s in the event of an unforeseen injury or illness.


I confirm that the registrant is covered by a personal or family medical insurance including hospitalization:

Parent/Guardian’s Permission Regarding Emergency Medical Care

I, the undersigned parent/legal guardian, do hereby grant permission to any licensed physician to perform or provide necessary emergency medical care or aid to my child (also known as registrant),

, in connection with the Inner-City Neighborhood Art House program. I am aware any and all costs associated with said care are my responsibility.

I, the undersigned parent/legal guardian, have read and understand all of the above. Subject to the above, I agree to the registrant/s participation in Inner-City Neighborhood Art House activities for the period from June 20, 2022 until December 31, 2022

Spring Session 1: January 15- March 2

I would like at $40. each = $0

Spring Session 2: March 19- May 14

I would like at $40. each = $0

OPTIONAL Additional Donation to help cover the cost of homeschool art classes- thank you!

Must insert a minimium of $0.00