Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Neighborhood Art House children. Please fill out the form below or download a form that you can print and submit. We will need to check your reference before you can begin to volunteer. We will call you after we have talked with him/her.
Adults who wish to volunteer at the Neighborhood Art House are asked to complete a NAH Adult Volunteer Form. An applicant may submit a form online, may download a form, or may contact us to request a form (455-5508). Once the application has been received, the Program Director will contact applicants for additional information and schedule an interview.
Volunteers who work with the children as tutors, readers, program assistants, or classroom aides are required by the state of Pennsylvania to have current Child Abuse and Criminal History Clearances.
There are exceptions to this including those whose services are of short duration such as readers during the summer session, student volunteers fulfilling service hours, those assisting with field trips, those not working with children and those who work on a particular short-term project. Youth volunteers who are under 18 years of age are also not required to obtain their clearances.
NAH Adult Volunteer Form (PDF)
*Note: we will need to check your reference before you can begin to volunteer. We will call you when they are checked.